Tuesday 21 February 2017


Evolution means "the gradual development of something". After Innovation Here I am with my next blog which is about Evolution of Pattachitra Painting.We know Innovation and Evolution are correlated with each other

From available research work and blogs on evolution in Indian Art I come to know that Pattachitra has largely remained uninfluenced by the other schools of Indian paintings namely the Mughal and Pahadi, due to the fact that Orissa had remained uninvaded by the Muslim rulers for a fairly long time giving the art form enough time to evolve its own unique styles and convention and establish the same. This has allowed the art to form its own category – the Puri school of painting.

In part of evolution, the art of pattachitra has made a slow progress from the temple premises to the walls of drawing rooms and lounges of big hotels, restaurants & guest houses. The theme of the paintings are also upgraded. With the passage of time other themes also started to take prominent places in PattaChitra. In addition to the stories from Ramayan and Mahabharat, new themes on Lord Buddha, Jainism and important historical events have also found place in pattachitras. Now a days Pattachitras become collectors’ items.

New Theme on Lord Buddha
source of image: https://www.google.co.in/
Chitrakaras also play major role in evolution, they send their children out for exposure and education apart from training them in their family art tradition to ensure that they can run their own business rather than depending on others. Women have also taken up full time painting. Many young girls and women are now trained under trainer, they are also joined by women from other village.



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