Tuesday 21 February 2017


      Hello, I am back with my next blog which is about making process of pattachitra painting.In my last blog I spoke about tools and material that, Pattachitra painters use in the paintings.

     From already published research work I got  to know that Traditionally the painters are known as chitrakars. A patta painter's home is his studio, and every member of his family involve in making process,Woman members of the family prepare the glue, the canvas and apply colours what we call the fill-in, and give the final lacquer coating. The master hand, mostly the male member, draws the initial line and gives the final finishing. 

woman prepare colour and man doing painting on object
    As we are aware from the previous blog, that paintings are done on specially prepared cotton cloth, which is coated with a mixture of gum and chalk and then polished, before applying natural colours. The process begins with creating a canvas, or the surface on which the painting is to be executed. A gummy paste of boiled tamarind seeds and soft granite powder is plastered on a stretched piece of cloth, twice over, so that it becomes stone hard and does not crack. Once dry, the bare outlines of the painting are sketched with charcoal or limestone (chalk) by a master painter. This is usually done free-hand and from memory, though decorative motifs like borders and certain geometric forms are copied from pre-cut stencils in order to save time, as i showed from image in previous blog. 

     While observing painting, the colours in a painting might be the first thing a viewer notices. Now a day for giving glorious look to  the painting, painter used colours which are obtain from the leaves of plants, flower petals, fruits (like mango, for yellow), ground rocks and even the urine of domesticated animals contribute to the production of a variety of shades and hues. But for mass production the artists are using stencils, chemical-based dyes and paints. The process of glazing or varnishing is quite interesting. The painting is held over a fireplace so that the back of the painting is exposed to heat. On the surface of the painting fine lacquer is applied. The paintings are polished and mounted before sale.

'      Here is a table of making process of Pattachitra Painting:



source of Image:

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